This is the story of Victor Legrand, Ulric Gaignard, Sébastien Bourg-Banville, Pietro Portalupi and Arthur Verdiel, a group of friends who are crazy about pizza pie, and who decided to take the plunge and open a pizzeria… Feel like you’ve read this script before? You might be right, but this one is far from being some low-budget production! Splitting the workload between baking the pizzas, making the dough and serving the drinks, the talented quintet serves divine pies that are puffed up around the edges and smell like heaven: a delicious Napoli that combines a creamy rapini base, Provolone cheese and sausage sourced from the Tête Bech butcher’s shop; a magmatic Vesuvio topped with ricotta, ’nduja, sausage and Provolone; or a stretchy Cheese pizza topped with fior di latte, gorgonzola and Emmental; before a few pieces of pizza dough slathered in pistachio cream, toasted and caramelized hazelnuts, and praliné, made in collaboration with Louis Simart, a local neighborhood chocolate maker… Simply divine! // Mado Réassouet
FEELING THIRSTY? Over a hundred labels of rather clean wine to choose from: a Frappato by Cos, a Grand Blanc produced by Jean-Michel Stéphan (€6 for each glass), a Sicilian red from Gabrio Bini (€100 a bottle)… Along with Italian Solerosso soft drinks (organic blood orange lemonade, €3.50) and an impressive bar filled with bottles of Chartreuse liqueur (€6 for a small glass).
PRICE: Pizzas €8-20, dessert €10.
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