We were there...

Peace for Paris, tous au bistrot !

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In support of a spontaneous initiative by French restaurant, brasserie and café owners — some of whom will be observing a minute of silence tomorrow at 9pm in their establishments — Le Guide Fooding invites all of its friends, readers, followers, and anyone in France who is able, to head to their local restaurants, bistros, bars, cafés and brasseries this Tuesday evening.

On November 17th, #TOUSAUBISTROT:

– To commemorate the victims of the attacks.

– To support all those working in the restaurant and entertainment industry, targeted by these deadly attacks.

– In solidarity with Paris, France will not give into fear.

Let’s sing, despite the tears.

Love and friendship.

Le Guide Fooding

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The Belgium Guide 2024 is out of the oven!

Discover the latest selection of the Kingdom’s 350 best addresses (restaurants, bars, cellars, shops and bedrooms), an award’s list celebrating this year’s favorite spots, and a magazine section featuring « Belgium Underground » exploring the margins of the food world, its hidden stories and some of its most taboo subjects.

2024 Le Fooding Belgium guide frontcover
I want it!

Le Fooding is a print and digital guide to all the restaurants, chefs, bars, stylish hotels and B&Bs that make up the “taste of the times,” plus an annual awards list for new establishments across France, a series of gastronomic events, a tool that allow you to make reservations at some fantastic bistros, and an agency specialized in event planning, content production and consulting… And after conquering France, Belgium is Le Fooding guide’s latest playground!

Fooding® is a registered trademark.