A few animated souvenirs from the 2014 Veillée Foodstock, an acoustic and gourmet little meal, eaten fireside on June 5th at Nüba. Five excellent artists woke up the rooftop of the Cité de la Mode et du Design (Mustang, Talisco, Florent Marchet, Kadebostany, FFF) with Nicolas Ullman on the microphone and Emile Omar mixing the grill, while Sven Chartier and Sota Atsumi (Saturne and Clown Bar), Sebbie Kenyon (Frenchie To Go), Salvatore Rotirori (Il Brigante), Haan Palcu-Chang (Mary Celeste) and Christian Nguyen (Nüba) took control of the gastrorchestra!
Videos: Papi Films.
Photos: Virgile Guinard.