These two champions of low-intervention winemaking spotted one of the last remaining corners of eastern Paris where the supply of natural wine was still dry! Aurélien Seksig (ex-Cave Chabrol and Cave Bonsergent) and Laurent Spiri (ex-Rock Bottles) serve up “living but not deviant” wines” in their cave complete with light wood shelves, parquet flooring and a windowed storefront marked by a giant bottle designed by illustrator Laurence Chéné. Their selection focuses on straightforward bottles that are anything but boring: Les Salines, an elegant Anjou chenin produced by Robin Carette (€20 a bottle), Chatons de Garde, an incredible syrah from the Czech-Auvergne winemaker Andréa Calek (€18) and a subtle Crémant du Jura from Jérôme Arnoux (€26)… That’s just a glimpse of the hundred or so labels on offer, many of which are from up-and-coming winemakers like Pierre Laporte in Arbois and Leïla Pailhès in the Gers. Come and discover the future of wine! // Will Tippin
THE BULLET-PROOF BOTTLE: Tire Bouchon, a blend of grenache, counoise, aramon and oeillade by the Domaine d’Ouréa in Vacqueyras (€12).
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